Сельское хозяйство

Intensifying Cooperation with African Countries

31 July 2023

Intensifying cooperation with African countries

During the Russia-Africa Summit held in St. Petersburg on July 27 and 28, a trilateral agreement aimed at fostering collaboration in agricultural technologies was signed between Geoscan, the Ministry of Agriculture of The Gambia, and CPS, a developer of geoinformation systems.
Webinar on "Vegetation mapping with drones" banner

5 May 2020

Vegetation Mapping with Drones — partner webinar by and with MicaSense

Interested in using drones to get vegetative health insights for a variety of crops? Attend this webinar put on by Geoscan and MicaSense!
Geoscan in Angola

10 October 2018

Geoscan in Angola

In 2018, Geoscan specialists, at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Angola, visited Angola and performed a number of demonstration flights with a support of the local partner – Alfa Sementeira Limitada (Luanda, Angola).
Drainage system plan restoration based on UAV survey data

12 July 2018

Drainage system plan restoration based on UAV survey data

Article dedicated to the assessment of the applicability of the agricultural drones for solving land reclamation tasks
Automatic detection of forested areas

19 October 2017

Automatic detection of forested areas

Machine learning for the classification of remote sensing data
Surface runoff directions and drainless areas

30 August 2017

Surface runoff directions and drainless areas in GIS Sputnik Agro

During the AgroNTI project orthophotos and 3D models were created, as well as new information products: maps of drainless areas and surface runoff directions.
Differentiated nitrogen fertilization

16 March 2017

Differentiated nitrogen fertilization

In 2016, the production fields of ZAO Otkormochnoye were used for testing the technology of differentiated nitrogen fertilization. "Otkormochnoe" CJSC, RSAU-MSAU and "Geoscan" employees were involved in the work.
NDVI data processing in GIS «Sputnik»

20 December 2016

NDVI data processing in GIS «Sputnik»

The instruction for creating NDVI maps in GIS «Sputnik».