20 December 2024
22 February 2024
26 January 2024
The inception of this study was the resolution of a production challenge involving interpretation constructions using a complex of geophysical and associated methods, performed with unmanned aerial vehicles and payloads manufactured by the Geoscan company of Russia. This paper explores methods to enhance the geological significance of interpretive recalculations within the complex of the anomalous magnetic field, the absolute height field of the digital elevation model, and the halftone field of photo anomalies in a multichannel remote sensing framework.
18 February 2022
At the end of last year, a Geoscan pilot as part of Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) embarked for the South Pole. The purpose of the trip is aerial photography to obtain cartographic materials of hard-to-reach areas of the glacier and the study of the albedo of various types of snow-ice surfaces.
2 June 2021
Geoscan 701 is an aircraft for aerial surveying designed to achieve maximum productivity per one flight due to using ICE.
A new model of UAV is designed under the traditional aerodynamic scheme. The supply of fuel (which is a mixture of petrol and oil) is enough for 10 hours of flight, and, as a result, the plane can cover up to 800 km. The UAV is supplied with a starter-alternator, which allows switching on the engine automatically and providing power for a payload and systems of onboard radio electronic equipment during a flight.
22 February 2021
Geoscan Group and experts from the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IIMK RAS) have completed a 3D model of the Citadel of Damascus.
6 August 2020
Aerial photography obtained via the UAVs rapidly replaces conventional geological exploration on foot. This is a convenient way allowing to obtain significantly more data in less time.
The UAVs can be widely used during the mining operations. The drones are used to collect data for mineral output calculation and preparation of the corresponding aerial maps, mining management under conditions when hand labor is replaced by machinery within the framework of the hazardous and monotonous operations.
23 April 2018
12 April 2018